2016 Yıllında Kanser Hakkında Önemli Gelişmeler

2016 Yıllında Kanser Hakkında En Önemli Gelişmeler

1-D vitamini eksikliği olan meme kanserli hastalar daha kötü seyrediyor.


o Serum Vitamin D Levels Linked With Breast Cancer Prognosis: Serum levels of a vitamin D biomarker, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), measured at the time of breast cancer diagnosis were independently associated with breast cancer prognosis, especially among premenopausal women, according to the results of the Pathways Study. Read more. Image © harmpeti / Shutterstock.com

2. Akşam yemeğini erken yemek ve açlık süresinin uzun sürmesi, meme kanseri riskini önemli oranda düşürüyor.


o Longer Nightly Fasting Reduced Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence: Researchers found a link between the duration of fasting at night and the risk for breast cancer recurrence among women with early-stage breast cancer. According to a study, fasting less than 13 hours per night was associated with an almost 40% increased risk for breast cancer recurrence compared with fasting more than 13 hours per night. Read more. Image © Lisovskaya Natalia / Shutterstock.com

3- Kombine immüno terapilerin ölümcül yan etkileri olabilir.












o Combination Immunotherapy Linked With Rare, Potentially Fatal Complication: A report detailed two cases of patients treated with combination immune checkpoint blockade for metastatic melanoma who developed myositis, early progressive and refractory cardiac electrical instability, and myocarditis. The researchers did not identify any cardiac-specific or cancer-specific features that predisposed patients to these adverse events. Read more. Image © Tashatuvango / Shutterstock.com

4- Yaşam tarzı değişikliğiyle(spor, tütün ürünlerinden ve alkolden uzak durmak, sağlıklı beslenmek) kansere bağlı ölümlerin ve yeni kanser vakaları önemli oranda azaltılabilir


o Half of Cancer Deaths Preventable With Healthier Lifestyle: According to a study, half of all cancer deaths and 20% to 40% of cancer cases in the United States could potentially be prevented if individuals adopted healthier lifestyles, including no smoking, moderate consumption of alcohol, and exercise. Read more. Image © CandyBox Images / Shutterstock.com

5- Uzun dönem aspirin kullananlarda gastrointestinal maligniteler önemli oranda az görülüyor


o Long-Term Aspirin Use Reduced Risk for Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers: Regular use of aspirin has been linked with a small but significant reduction in the risk for overall cancer, with as much as a 15% reduction in the risk for gastrointestinal tract cancers and a 19% reduction in the risk for colorectal cancers, according to an analysis of data from two large studies. Read more. Image © Hurst Photo / Shutterstock.com

6-Egzersiz ve Fiziksel Aktivite Artırılarak En az onüç Kanser Tipine Karşı Koruma Sağlanır


o Physical Activity Linked With Reduced Risk of 13 Cancers: Partaking in leisure-time physical activity was associated with a reduction in risk for as many as 13 cancer types, regardless of body size or smoking history. There was a 20% or greater reduction for 7 of 26 cancers explored by the study. Read more. Image © Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

7- Kanser riski yüksek genetik yatkınlık olsa bile kanser gelişmesi önemli oranda azaltılabilir. Genler tek başına kanser gelişiminde belirleyici olamayabilir.












o Even Those With Susceptibility Genes Can Lower Breast Cancer Risk: People who carry a germline breast cancer susceptibility mutation can still substantially lower their risk of developing breast cancer. The model of risk stratification suggests that genetics do not solely predict a breast cancer fate. Read more. Image © Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com

8-D vitamini eksikliği olan Melanom hastalarında, hastalık daha kötü seyrediyor.












o Lower Vitamin D Levels Predict Poor Survival Outcomes in Melanoma: In patients with melanoma, lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D) levels were associated with poorer survival outcomes, according to a prospective study. Using 20 ng/mL as a clinical cutoff, those with deficient vitamin D levels had a significantly worse overall survival than those above that mark, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.44 (P = .0036). The same was true for melanoma-specific survival, with an HR of 1.37 (P = .0475). Read more. Image courtesy of the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Our Most Read Cancer Stories of 2016
December 21, 2016
By Cancer Network Editors

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