Yanlış Beslenme Şekli Kolon(Bağırsak) Kanserinin Gelişimini Hızlandırıyor

Yanlış Beslenme Şekli Kolon(Bağırsak) kanserinin Gelişimini Hızlandırıyor
✓ Bağırsak kanseri en sık görülen ikinci ve üçüncü sıklıkta kanserdir
✓ Uygun yaş aralığında, ya da risk faktörleri olanlarda erken yaşlarda tarama bağırsak
kanseri erken teşhis ve tedavisini mümkün kılmaktadır
✓ Aynı zamanda beslenme alışkanlıkları bağırsak kanserinde önemli bir rol alır
✓ ABD yapılan çalışmada ameliyat olmuş evre III kanserli hastalarda, yüksek insülin
salma etkisi olan hiperglisemik gıdalarla beslenenlerde kanserin tekrarlama oranı 2
kat daha yüksek bulunmuş.
✓ Hiperglisemik beslenme, batı tarzı beslenme olarak, basit karbonhidrat ağırlıklı
besleneme; beyaz ekmek, şeker, makarna, doymuş yağlar ve benzeri tarz beslenme
şekli olarak tanımlanmış.
✓ Batı tarzı beslenmenin insülin düzeyini artırarak kanser gelişimini hızlandırdığı
✓ Aynı zamanda Akdeniz tipi beslenme; meyve, sebze, sağlıklı yağ tüketimi(zeytin yağı
gibi), protein ağırlıklı beslenme insülin yükü oluşturmadığı için bağırsak kanserinin
tekrarlama oranını azatlığı belirtiliyor
SONUÇ: Bağırsak kanseri, Akdeniz tipi beslenme, egzersiz, kilo oranını koruyarak, alkol
alımını durdurarak çok önemli oranda engellenebilir. Önleyici tıp, tedavi edici sağlık
sistemine göre daha az maliyetli ve daha koruyucudur.

Dietary Insulin Load and Risk of Disease Recurrence in Stage III Colon Cancer
Key Points
• Patients with stage III colon cancer who had the highest “dietary insulin load”—the level of
insulin produced by the body in response to diet—were twice as likely to have a recurrence or
die of the disease as patients with the lowest load.
• Diets high in simple carbohydrates (such as white bread and refined-grain pastas), sugar, and
fat—prominent components of Western-pattern diets—tend to produce high insulin levels.
• Mediterranean-style diets, which are rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and healthy fats and
proteins, are associated with lower insulin levels.
New research led by Dana-Farber Cancer Instituteinvestigators suggests that patients treated for
nonmetastatic colon cancer may sharply reduce the risk that the disease will return by following a diet low
in carbohydrates and other foods that raise insulin levels. In a study published by Morales-Oyarvide et al in
the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers found that patients with stage III colon cancer who
had the highest “dietary insulin load”—the level of insulin produced by the body in response to diet—were
twice as likely to have a recurrence or die of the disease as patients with the lowest load. The trend held
regardless of level of physical activity and was especially strong in patients who were obese, the
researchers found.
“These research results should be empowering to this group of patients,” said the study’s lead
author, Vicente Morales-Oyarvide, MD, MPH, of Dana-Farber. “We now have evidence that they may
help avoid a recurrence of the disease and improve their prospects of survival by following a healthy diet.”
Previous studies have indicated that colon cancer survivors who have a healthy lifestyle—who are
physically active, control their weight, and avoid a Western-pattern diet—have a better prognosis than
those with less-healthy habits. Scientists have proposed that this benefit is partly due to the lower levels of
insulin induced by these healthy behaviors. Dr. Morales-Oyarvide and his colleagues sought evidence of
such a connection.
Study Findings
The study enrolled 1,023 patients who had undergone surgery for colon cancer and were participating in a
clinical trial of follow-up chemotherapy. Halfway through their chemotherapy treatment and 6 months after
completing therapy, they filled out a questionnaire about their dietary intake, enabling researchers to
calculate each patient’s dietary insulin load.
Diets high in simple carbohydrates (such as white bread and refined-grain pastas), sugar, and fat—
prominent components of Western-pattern diets—tend to produce high insulin levels. Mediterranean-style
diets, which are rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and healthy fats and proteins, are associated with lower
insulin levels. The advantage of looking at overall dietary insulin load in this study is that it accounts not
only for carbohydrate consumption, but fat and protein consumption as well, Dr. Morales-Oyarvide stated.
The finding that patients with the highest dietary insulin load had twice the risk of colon cancer recurrence
and death as those with the lowest load underscores the role patients themselves can play in helping to
reduce their risk, said Kimmie Ng, MD, MPH, the study’s senior author. “Patients are always interested in
what they can do to reduce their risk of cancer recurrence,” Dr. Ng remarked. “We now have dietary advice
that, our research shows, may make a difference.”
The content in this post has not been reviewed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Inc.
(ASCO®) and does not necessarily reflect the ideas and opinions of ASCO®.

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