Tomatoes may reduce prostate cancer risk, study says.
Tomatoes ‘important in prostate cancer prevention’
Fox News , BBC News
Prostat kanseri ve domates , domates ürünlerinin tüketimi ile ilgili bir haber yayınlandı. Daha öncede öne sürülen varsayımlarda, domatesteki lycopene adlı antioksidan madde hücre DNA’ ısını zararlı faktörlere karşı koruyor.
-Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention dergisinde yayınlanmış çalışma, 50-69 yaş arası 20.000 İngiliz erkekte çalışma yapılmış
– Haftada 10 porsiyon taze domates, domates suyu yada salçası ile beslenen erkeklerde prostat kanseri %18 daha az saptanmış
-Aynı zamanda bu çalışmada meyve ve sebze tüketiminin fazla olduğu gurupta %24 daha az prostat kanseri görülmüş.
-Çalışmayı yapan, Dr Iain Frame bunun tek yönlü beslenme olarak algılanmaması gerektiğini, dengeli beslenmenin önemli olduğunu, selenyumdan zengin ve kalsiyumdan zengin besinlerinde koruyucu etkisinin olabileceğini belirtiyor.
-World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) ve the American Institute for Cancer Research’s (AICR) prostat kanserine karşı, sebze meyve ve lifli besinlerinin tüketiminin artırılması, egzersiz ve kilo kaybı önermektedir.
Eating tomatoes may lower your risk for prostate cancer by nearly 20 percent, according to a U.K. study.
Scientists from the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge and Oxford assessed the diets and lifestyles of 1,806 prostate cancer patients between the ages of 50 and 69, and compared them to that of 12,005 cancer-free men.
The study, published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, found that men who ate more than 10 servings a week of tomatoes reduced their risk for prostate cancer by 18 percent. Study authors believe the decreased risk was a result of consuming large amounts of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes which helps fight off toxins that can cause DNA and cell damage.
“Our findings suggest that tomatoes may be important in prostate cancer prevention,” lead researcher, Vanessa Er, said in the release. “However, further studies need to be conducted to confirm our findings, especially through human trials. Men should still eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and stay active.”
Researchers also looked at the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research’s (AICR) recommendations on physical activity, diet and body weight for cancer prevention and found that for prostate cancer, only the guidelines on eating plant foods — high intake of fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber — were associated with decreased risk.
The study is the first of its kind to develop a “dietary index” for prostate cancer comprised of selenium, calcium and lycopene. Men who had optimal intakes of these three components had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
In the United States, prostate cancer affects about 1 in 7 men and is the second leading cause of cancer death – only behind lung cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Prostate cancer rates are higher in developed countries, which some experts attribute to a Westernized diet and lifestyle.
Tomatoes ‘important in prostate cancer prevention’
By Helen BriggsHealth editor, BBC News website
Tomatoes are rich in the anti-oxidant lycopene
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Eating tomatoes may lower the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.
Men who consume more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week reduce their risk by about 20%, according to a UK study.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with 35,000 new cases and around 10,000 deaths in the UK every year.
Cancer experts recommend eating a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt.
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“Start Quote
Men should still eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and stay active”
Vanessa ErBristol University
The Bristol team analysed the diets and lifestyles of around 20,000 British men aged between 50 and 69.
They found men who consumed more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week – such as fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and baked beans – saw an 18% reduction in prostate cancer risk.
Eating the recommended five servings of fruit or vegetables or more a day was also found to decrease risk by 24%, compared with men who ate two-and-a-half servings or less.
“Our findings suggest that tomatoes may be important in prostate cancer prevention,” said Vanessa Er, from the School of Social and Community Medicine at Bristol University.
“However, further studies need to be conducted to confirm our findings, especially through human [clinical] trials.
“Men should still eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and stay active.”
Dietary index
The cancer-fighting properties of tomatoes are thought to be due to lycopene, an antioxidant which can protect against DNA and cell damage.
The researchers also looked at two other dietary components linked with prostate cancer risk – selenium, found in flour-based foods such as bread and pasta, and calcium, found in dairy products such as milk and cheese.
Experts advise eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables
Tomatoes are rich in the anti-oxidant lycopene
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Eating tomatoes may lower the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.
Men who consume more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week reduce their risk by about 20%, according to a UK study.
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with 35,000 new cases and around 10,000 deaths in the UK every year.
Cancer experts recommend eating a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt.
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Men who had optimal intake of these three dietary components had a lower risk of prostate cancer, they said.
Commenting on the study, Dr Iain Frame of Prostate Cancer UK said there was not yet enough evidence to make concrete recommendations on which specific foods men should eat to reduce their risk of prostate cancer.
“What we do know is that men shouldn’t rely too heavily on one type of food, such as tomatoes,” he said.
“A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, together with regular exercise is by far the best option.”
Tom Stansfeld of Cancer Research UK added: “While eating foods rich in lycopene – such as tomatoes – or selenium may be associated with a reduction in the risk of prostate cancer, this has not been proven, and this study can’t confirm whether there is a link between diet and prostate cancer risk.
“Diet and cancer prevention is a complex issue with few black and white answers; we encourage everyone to eat a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt.”
The research, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, was carried out in collaboration with the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.