Yoğun antibiyotik kullanımı bağırsak kanseri riskini artırabilir
Yoğun antibiyotik kullanımı bağırsak kanseri riskini artırabilir
- Antibiyotik kullanımı tüm dünyada 2000-2015 yıllarında %65 oranında artığı bilinmektedir.
- Kolon(bağırsak) kanseri son 20 yılda her yıl %3 oranında artmakta ve tüm dünyada en sık rastlanan ikinci-üçüncü sıklıkta ki kanserdir.
- Özelikle işlenmiş gıdalar, tatlandırıcı içeren sıvı içecekler, abur cubur yeme alışkanlığı ve alkol tüketiminin artması bu artıştan sorumlu tutulmaktadır
- Yapılan çalışma özelikle çocukluk ve erken dönem antibiyotik kullanımı sık olanlarda 50 yaş sonrası kolon kanseri riskinin %50 artabileceği gösterildi. Özelikle sağ kolon oranında daha fazla olduğu saptanmış.
- Antibiyotik kullanımın bağırsak florasında ki doğal bakteri florasını etkileyerek buna neden olduğu öne sürülmektedi
Is There a Link Between Use of Antibiotics and Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer?
Study findings presented by Perrott et al at the ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer (Abstract SO-25) showed that the use of antibiotics may be linked to colon tumor formation across all patient age groups, especially in those younger than 50 years. These results raise fresh concerns about the impact of the estimated 65% increase in global antibiotic consumption reported between 2000 and 2015, despite not showing a direct cause and effect.
“To our knowledge, this is the first study to link antibiotic use with the growing risk of early-onset colon cancer—a disease that has been increasing at a rate of at least 3% per year over the past 2 decades. Junk food, sugary drinks, obesity, and alcohol [consumption] are likely to have played a part in that rise, but our data stress the importance of avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, especially in children and young adults,” said presenting author Sarah Perrott, of the University of Aberdeen.
Methodology and Results
Using a large Scottish primary care database, the study looked at nearly 8,000 people with colorectal cancer matched with healthy controls.
Researchers found antibiotic use was associated with an increased risk of colon cancer across all ages, but the risk was increased by almost 50% in patients younger than age 50 compared to 9% in those older than 50. In the younger age group, antibiotic use was linked to cancers in the first part of the colon (the right side). Quinolones and sulfonamides/trimethoprim, which are used to treat a wide range of infections, were associated with these right-side cancers.
Senior study author Leslie Samuel, MB ChB, of the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, explained that the contents of the right side of the colon are more liquid and that the natural bacteria living there, called the microbiome, may be different from further along the colon.
“We now want to find out if there is a link between antibiotic use and changes in the microbiome that can make the colon more susceptible to cancer, especially in younger people. It’s a complex situation, as we know that the microbiome can quickly revert to its previous state even when the bowel has been cleared out for a diagnostic procedure such as an endoscopy. We don’t yet know if antibiotics can induce any effects on the microbiome that could directly or indirectly contribute to development of colon cancer,” said Dr. Samuel.